Black Raspberry jam is enhanced by the addition of Chambord
Each new jam recipe that I come up with becomes my new favourite. I think Timothy particularly enjoyed this one as well which makes sense since he devoured half a pint of black raspberries in one sitting. In the same sitting, he ate about a cup of cherries.
I knew I wanted to put in some type of booze into this jam but I wasn’t sure what I should use, so I hit the internet. It became very clear that Chambord was going to be the winner. There are two reasons for this: the first reason was that I thought that black raspberries go perfectly with black raspberry liquour. The second reason was that I had some Chambord in the cupboard.

My Timothy devouring black raspberries.
The first batch I made with agave syrup and 2 cups of sugar, but that set up really firmly. I decided to go with honey for the second batch and I reduced the amount of sugar to only 1 1/2 cups. I found that black raspberries have a somewhat delicate flavour compared with the tartness of red raspberries. I didn’t want to bury the flavour of these gorgeous berries in sugar. Luckily the jam set up perfectly with the relatively small amount of sugar I added. If you don’t want a lumpy jam like I chose to make, feel free to crush the hell out of your berries.
It may be too late for most people to make this jam this year since the season may be over already, but file the idea away in your mind and do try this next year. It will be one of you favourites.
This recipe makes 4 250 ml jars and 1 125 ml jar.
Black Raspberry and Chambord Jam
- 2 pints black raspberries lightly crushed
- 2/3 cup honey
- 1 1/2 cup sugar
- 1/4 cup Chambord
- 2 tbsp lemon juice
- 1 pkg crystalized pectin such as *Certo in Canada or Sure-Jell in the U.S.
- Wash and sterilize jars, lids, and tools. Keep the jars warm so they are ready for the hot jam. Boil the lids only 5-10 minutes before you are ready to use them.
- Wash and lightly crush raspberries. Add all the raspberries and the juices into a large heavy-bottomed stainless steel pot.
- Add the rest of the ingredients and bring to a boil.
- Stir frequently and skim off any foam that appears on top. I usually wait until the jam is nearly done to do this. The thicker liquid makes it easier to skim.
- The jam will heat on the stove for almost 30 minutes - boiling for close to 20 minutes. When the jam has been heating on the stove for 30 minutes, ladle it into sterilized mason jars.
- Wipe the rims of the jars if you splattered a bit and place the heated lids on the jars. Put the rings on the jars and tighten - but do not too tight.
- Process in a canning pot with a rack in boiling water for 10 minutes.
- Remove from boiling water after 10 minutes and place them on a cooling rack. Leave them alone for 24 hours. After that, press the centre of the lids to check to make sure it sealed. If the jars are sealed, store them in a cool, dry place. If they did not seal then pop them in the fridge and enjoy them sooner rather than later.
*Note: A great resource to home canning can be found on the Bernardin Jar company website. A good list of other canning resources that is for an American audience can be found on the Food in Jars website.
I am sure it would be ok to use red raspberries right? I have not seen black anywhere. I could check whole foods and do a double check at the farmers market. Love this recipe. I bet people would love this as gifts. Thanks for sharing and for your creation!
It would definitely work with red raspberries. The red are a little juicier so you may want to add a bit more sugar or it may just take a little longer for it to come to a set. Worst case is the jam is a little runnier in which case I label it as a dessert sauce and jam (which is what I did for the first batch of Strawberry Port jam). Thanks 🙂