Where do I even begin? It has been over a year and a half since I put up a new blog post. So much has happened since I last wrote. Many of you have been following my blog for years and may remember that this space used to be called Buffy & George. It was named after my dogs because this was going to be a fun spot where I would share stories of my life the way blogging used to be back in the day of the journal style blogs. Sadly, both Buffy and George have passed away. George […]
Broccoli Cheddar & Sweet Potato Soup
I’ve always loved cooking and baking so my perspective on making dinner is one that includes deep enjoyment and satisfaction in the process of cooking. Because of my love of cooking, I read a lot about cooking on blogs and I join discussions about it on blogging forums. Frustration in getting people to cook from scratch is a common issue that is raised. Something that does bother me when I see threads on forums on this topic is the amount of judgement directed to people who do not have home cooked food on a regular basis. As someone who loves to […]
Beef, Vegetable, & Whole Buckwheat Soup
There is something about being a reader that allows you to find yourself. It isn’t in a philosophizing way where you sit and ponder your existence in an existential funk. What it is, is that you sit quietly with yourself and let your mind travel. It may be with one of those books that you tell your friends about and want everyone to read, but it may just be with one of those novels that you read just for you. I reject the term ‘guilty pleasure’ because reading is never a bad thing for me. I feel no guilt […]