I picked up my eldest son the other night because he had managed to turn himself upside down in bed and I needed to set him back on his pillow, tucked under the covers. Long gone is that big toddler boy that I had for a while and in his place is a gangly little boy who seems to be made up of long arms and legs. I have no desire for him to stop growing up because each stage in his life is something I look forward to. I do struggle to hold on to those moments and memories with […]
Creamy Tomato Soup with Goat Cheese & Tortellini
I’m a control freak in the kitchen. I like to do things my way which makes it difficult to cook with other people unless they are willing to help out with the dirty work and then stand aside to let me do my thing. My husband is perfectly willing to help me by spatchcocking a chicken, which is a great way to cook a whole chicken, but really gross when you have to crunch through those bones. It brings out my wimpy, squeamish side. Simon is much better at bringing Timothy into the kitchen to help him cook. I […]
Zucchini and Summer Squash Ribbons on Pasta with Creamy Goat Cheese Sauce
I think I will be saying, “Please excuse the mess, we just moved in,” for the next two years. The amount of junk we have is overwhelming as are the thousand small projects there are still to do to get the house up to snuff. The stress of moving seemed to have sucked all my creativity and energy from me. I didn’t want to cook, I just wanted to clean, unpack, paint, and clean some more. The previous owners of this house left it in a bit of state. At one point I thought that I was losing it because […]
Almond and Parmesan Crusted Chicken Breast Stuffed with Goat Cheese and Sundried Tomatoes
This recipe has had a few versions and it has morphed into a gluten-free recipe out of necessity. I used to make this with half parmesan cheese and half seasoned bread crumbs but that would send my husband to the washroom for the better part of a day so I make it with ground almonds now. You can buy ground almonds and I actually recommend that if you want to speed up the process. Also, the sound that grinding your own almonds makes in the food processor is deafening. I didn’t grind the almonds really finely for this simply because […]
Macaroni and Cheese with Cauliflower and Peas (sauce is Gluten-Free)
It has been quite a while since I have had time to sit down and write a blog post. It has been a very busy few months at my house – I started a new job, George has had another health crisis (x2), and Christmas was thrown in there. As for our Georgie; he is doing much better. He had a tumor removed from his bladder and the diagnosis before it was tested was that he only had a couple months to live. Thankfully, the surgeon who did his surgery back in October for the massive lung infection and subsequent […]