Strawberries are my first and truest love when it comes to seasonal eating. I may flirt with strawberries in the winter but I usually feel guilty about my inconstancy. When strawberry season comes to Ontario I fully embrace the experience of picking strawberries, eating strawberries, and breathing in the beautiful scent of fresh local strawberries. Local strawberries mean the true start of summer to me. They arrive when school ends for the year and it is just starting to get really hot. The kind of hot that doesn’t have the slight chill in the breeze that hot days in May can […]
Cinnamon Buns
Today is a big day for me. I have been working on this cinnamon bun recipe for ages and I have it down to a fine art now. It is also a big day because I am announcing to the whole wide world that I am expecting a new baby in November! I’ve had a rough go of it during my first trimester, both physically and emotionally. With Timothy I didn’t feel sick once, and with this baby I have had nearly continuous nausea for about 2 months. Thankfully I haven’t been sick because that is a day ruiner, every […]
Gluten-Free Strawberry Rhubarb Crisp
Strawberry season is in full swing here in Ontario. I was finally able to get out strawberry picking on Canada Day this past Sunday at Barrie Hill Farms and picked about 20 pounds of berries in a hour. I admit, I had help. Simon picked a few and Timothy was there in a purely supervisory role and to keep my mom in line. I was too tired to make jam on Monday since we had just returned from an extra long weekend away in Niagara Falls and then to visit family in Barrie. The dogs enjoyed their holiday at Nana […]
Carrot Cake with Honey and Cream Cheese Icing with a Gluten-Free Option
I have been planning on posting a carrot cake recipe for quite some time. I make carrot cakes twice a year, one cake for each of my dogs’ birthdays. Don’t run away from reading this recipe – this is a human cake and I give a small piece to my dogs as a treat. Every time I would pull out the Canadian Living recipe that I used to make I would cringe at the disgusting amount of sugar and oil that the recipe calls for. I just felt that it was all really unnecessary so I was determined to do […]
Apple Spice Pancakes
This is definitely my go-to pancake recipe that I make for Timothy and me on weekends. There is a good amount of apple in the batter and they aren’t as doughy as some fluffy pancakes can be. I decided to add some barley flour for some extra taste and for something a little different. I had originally bought the barley flour because it was a main ingredient in some really nice cookies I made from Gwyneth Paltrow’s cookbook. If you don’t have barley flour, or don’t know where to get it (or can’t be bothered), then using only all-purpose flour will be […]