Digging through my fridge one day I discovered that I had a package of halloumi cheese underneath some cheddar in the door of the fridge. I was absolutely starving and it was lunch time. I fried up a little in a dry pan, put the pieces on crackers and had a thoroughly satisfying, if unbalanced lunch. A girl can’t live on cheese and crackers alone, without getting really fat and constipated, so later in the week I made myself a very healthy lunch while still satisfying my recurring craving for halloumi cheese. If you are not familiar with halloumi, it […]
Simple Gluten-free Buttermilk Buckwheat Waffles
I hate breakfast in bed. I will happily get out of bed, eat breakfast and then go back to bed but I do not want the challenge of balancing a tray on my bed full of sticky food and hot coffee. If it spills I know I will have to do at least some clean up and that is just not worth it. If you like feeling like an invalid and want to eat in bed, then have at it, but I am firmly on #TeamBreakfastAtTables. I wouldn’t say I’m a waffle aficionado, but I really love waffles. I tolerate pancakes, […]
Brown Butter Popcorn
I’m going to make a very bold statement about this popcorn: it is better than movie theatre popcorn. Even if I’ve had a big meal, I still get the popcorn when I go see a movie, with the real butter. Layered. I’m serious about butter on popcorn but now that I have discovered the simple beauty of air-popped popcorn with a generous amount of brown butter, I will be saving a lot of money since I won’t be pulled to the movies by a crazy popcorn craving. Timothy absolutely loves this popcorn. He eats more of it than I do […]
Butterscotch Pudding with Scotch Whisky
Like many parents before me, I have now discovered the secret to getting children to eat their dinner. Have pudding as the dessert. Two evenings in a row I had pudding on offer for dessert and Timothy sat down at the table and ate his dinner with a minimum of pre-schooler drama. On a related note to pre-schooler drama, I am currently reading One More Time… by Amy McCready in an effort to change the way we discipline and parent in general. What we are doing is not working. Time-outs are useless and I don’t want to yell and scream all […]
Spatchcocked Chicken Under a Bacon Blanket
Yep, it sounds a little dirty and I won’t lie; I too giggle a little bit when whenever I hear the word ‘spatchcock’. By spatchcocking the chicken I was able to get a larger surface area to lay the bacon on than if I had roasted the chicken whole. Either way works but more bacon is better. I knew this recipe would be a rousing success in my house and I needed that. Earlier that morning I had an epic fail with a gluten free pie. I have made many gluten free pie crusts with great success but this time […]
Gluten Free Sugar Cookie Sandwiches with Dulce De Leche
I love how beautifully decorated sugar cookies look, but I don’t eating the Royal Icing. To me it is just sweet with no real flavour. When I made the GF gingerbread cookies at Christmas I only ate the cookies plain. The picky eater in me is alive and well. When I made these sugar cookies I opted to make them into dulce de leche sandwiches. I confess that I have stood in my kitchen and eaten dulce de leche our of the jar with a spoon. Mind you, I’m not the only one in my house that does this. You […]
Beef, Quinoa, and Root Vegetable Stew
I hope that winter has been kicked to the curb but here is one last hearty recipe as my farewell to my least favourite season. I like winter at Christmas but when that is over it wears out its welcome in a hurry. As part of the swag for the Food Bloggers of Canada Conference, we received a 3 quart Dutch Oven, a Braiser and a Chicken Leg griller. As part of this, the attendees can review the products we received and by doing so we are entered in a draw to win a Grand Prize of lots of other […]
Gluten Free Caramel Macchiato Cookies
As I was sitting waiting for an appointment all I could think of were these cookies I saw posted on Wanna Be a Country Cleaver. It was a crazy morning with absolutely rotten weather, so I had to rush out of the house without a coffee or breakfast. I thought that I would have time to drive to Starbucks after dropping Timothy off at preschool but it was pretty rough driving so I had to drive straight to my appointment. Twitter was my saving grace that morning. It kept me occupied and I had a little chat with Megan over […]
Chocolate Pudding with Irish Cream
Like most people, I grew up with the boxed pudding mixes which were a staple dessert in my house. I have a confession about those pudding mixes. I actually liked the skin that formed on top when they were in the pudding cups that my mom used. In fact, it was my favourite part. My husband thinks that it is gross but I don’t care. I was good when I made this pudding and I put it in a large glass bowl and put a piece of plastic wrap right on top of the hot pudding so that no skin […]
Applesauce, Prune, and Milled Flaxseed Muffins
This recipe was born from my need to help my little boy with his chronic constipation issues. If anyone out there has similar problems with their child, I invite you to add some advice to the comments on ways you helped (or are helping) your child through this. Having a child that doesn’t want to poop is very stressful. Since I have a tendency to over-internalize negative things in my life, I feel that him not pooping is my fault. That somehow I have done something to make him want to take power in his life and this is how […]