I’m Christina and I have been writing Strawberries for Supper (formerly BuffyandGeorge.com) since 2011. Originally intended as a blog about my dogs’ food heists and other shenanigans, my love for sharing recipes soon took over. I’m a local food enthusiast, and a self-described “lazy cook” who isn’t afraid of a shortcut while still cooking with real food rather than convenience items. The other men in my life, include my handsome and patient husband and two young sons. My eldest would eat chocolate pudding at every meal and often suffers from pickyeateritis. I hold out hope that my little guy will be a little more adventurous with his food selection. When I’m not cooking for family and friends, you’ll find me tripping over one dog (Buffy) while trying to stop the other (George) from stealing food off my Waterloo, Ontario kitchen counter.
I love when people comment on my recipes and if you have any questions, please email me: Christina (at) StrawberriesForSupper (dot) com