Preheat the oven to 350 F. and line a cookie sheet with high sides (1" sides) or a rectangular cake pan with parchment paper.
In a large bowl, mix together the oats, almonds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, and hemp seeds.
Pour that mixture onto the pan and bake for 8 minutes.
While that bakes, melt the butter with the maple syrup in a small saucepan. It will boil a bit as the syrup heats up. When the butter is fully melted, turn off the heat and add the vanilla.
Measure the milled flaxseed and chia seeds and add them to the large bowl. When the oat mixture has baked for 8 minutes, add it all back to the bowl and mix it with the chia seeds and milled flaxseed. Pour in the syrup and butter mixture and stir to coat everything very well.
Pour the whole mixture onto the baking sheet and bake for 12 minutes. After 12 minutes, shift the granola around the perimeter to the centre and vice versa with a spatula so that it bakes evenly. Bake for another 12-15 minutes. Check it again to see if the granola at the edges needs to be moved to the centre if it is browning too much. If you think it needs to get a little more golden brown then put it in the oven for 2 or 3 minutes at a time. Once it starts to brown it will go from perfect to too dark quickly, so keep an eye on it.
When the granola is a nice golden brown, remove it from the oven. After 5 minutes, give it another stir around and continue to let it cool on the pan.
After 15 minutes or so, pour the granola back into the large bowl and mix in the cranberries or cherries.
When it is completely cool, pour the granola into an airtight container.